The SETAC Europe 26th Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Symposium, held in Gothenburg, Sweden, from October 21 to 23, 2024, brought together researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to exchange insights and advancements in LCA applications across sectors. This year’s symposium highlighted methodological innovations and applied case studies that leverage LCA to address pressing environmental challenges and drive sustainable decision-making.
Naomi Muindi and Erasmo Cadena Martinez, project partners from Ghent University, presented two posters at the symposium, showcasing their research within the DiCE project. Their first contribution, entitled “Life Cycle Assessment of a Single-Use, Battery-Powered Surgical Stapler Used in Minimally Invasive Surgery”, evaluates the environmental sustainability of such devices from cradle to grave.
The second contribution, “Integrating System Perspectives in Sustainability Assessments of Digital Health Devices: A Case Study on Digital Display Labels in Clinical Trials”, focuses on how system-level approaches in LCA could better capture the full range of impacts of these technologies, specifically looking at DDLs in clinical trials.
By sharing these preliminary findings, Naomi and Erasmo contributed to discussions on sustainability assessments in healthcare, in line with the symposium’s mission to encourage more sustainable practices in various industries through advanced LCA applications. Ghent University also took the opportunity to disseminate the objectives of the project during interactions with participants.

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